World Religions (HS Advanced MS)

  • Creative Writing
Homeschool Resource Center HRC: 307 S Parsons Ave, Brandon, FL 33511, USA
Jan 10 2025
Apr 25 2025
  1. Mon 
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed 
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri1:15 - 2:15 pm
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


world-religions-n image

at The Homeschool Resource Center

307 S. Parsons Ave. Brandon, 33511

World Religions for Middle School/High School Students 13+

Friday beginning January 10th, 2025

1:15-2:15 PM

World Religions from a Christian Perspective for Middle School and High School

Everyone believes in something. Why? The focus of this class is to understand religious humans and why they believe what they do, distinctly from a Christian perspective. Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and some Chinese/Japanese traditions will be explored in theme, deity, writings, beliefs, and practices. In each subject, you can count on questions, discussion, and projects. “The Christian will confront the deepest meanings of the gospel, the good news of the Christian faith, with the challenges within the religions of revelation, authority, salvation, ethics, and peace” (Braswell, Jr. xvi). The text, Understanding World Religions, by George W. Braswell, Jr. will be the primary source of information. Though it’s not necessary for purchase, it will be beneficial. 


● binder or notebook and pen or pencil for note-taking

● text if desired (choose the used rate!): 0686/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=understanding+world+religions+braswell&qid=1 605037893&sr=8-2

Cost: $200 for 15 weeks. 

Contact: Amy Loesch via text (314-596-6535) or email ([email protected]) with any questions regarding these courses.

Teacher Bio: My name is Amy Loesch and I will be teaching English 101, 201, 301, American History, World History, Creative Writing, Public Speaking, and World Religions. I graduated in 2009 with a BA in Religious Education. I continued my MA in Teaching in Secondary English, but had to stop shy of my semester of student teaching due to deployment. Since then, I've been a substitute teacher at Providence Classical Christian Academy in St. Louis, MO, have been homeschooling my four children since winter of 2016, and have taught numerous classes with the HEAT program. My philosophy is that no student learns exactly the same as another and that learning should be hard work but FUN!


Class dates

01/10/2025, 01/17/2025, 01/24/2025, 01/31/2025, 02/07/2025, 02/14/2025, 02/21/2025, 02/28/2025, 03/07/2025, 03/14/2025, 03/28/2025, 04/04/2025, 04/11/2025, 04/18/2025, 04/25/2025

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 1

Registration period

Registration starts on 10/27/2024 and ends on 01/20/2025.

In-person location

Homeschool Resource Center HRC: 307 S Parsons Ave, Brandon, FL 33511, USA
Registration closed.